Author Topic: Travelling USA!!!!! Please help me!!!!  (Read 1265 times)

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Offline Roti

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Travelling USA!!!!! Please help me!!!!
« on: February 10, 2011, 01:05:48 AM »
Hello Guys!!!

I knew I was AFS but when I came here YES people put me as a PAX student so I don’t know if I should follow PAX rules or AFS rules. Because since I have been here there is no body from AFS contact me, only PAX has been taking care of me. Anyway, I have some questions to ask you people.
1.   Can I go travelling by myself?
I have had a trip to Florida for the conference and I went there by myself and went back home by myself so I think it is exciting and fun to go alone. I have heard that if I have been here for six months or more, I could make a trip by myself but just let the host family know all of the plans. IS that right?
2.   I have thought about going with BeloUSA but the date is too close to the date I have to go to DC. So, I have asked my coordinator but she couldn’t help me anything. Well, maybe she really doesn’t know but I don’t like that she usually doesn’t know anything I asked. So, I want to know if anybody can tell me who rules everything and who I can ask.
Yep, that is probably all I want to know for now.
Thank you very much for answering.